ISI is an engineering company that uses IT to create solutions for the enormous challenges of project management, particularly in the areas of piping and metal structures.
Since 1986 in the market, ISI has participated in more than 550 projects in Brazil and abroad.
Using the ControlTUB and ControlSTRU systems, which work entirely on the web, we aim to create facilities for managing the manufacturing and assembly of industrial piping and metal structure.
Through our technology, based on the registration of the project information, the systems perform the following functions:
Programming activities considering the material availability.
Control of the activities and inspections carried out, in accordance with the standards applicable to the work.
Collection of production field and inspection information, using mobile devices and QR Codes.
Automatic generation of technical and management reports.
Bulletins of physical and financial progress, among many other facilities.
ISI offers engineering solutions, whose service begins at the time of contracting.
From the initial KoM (Kick off Meeting) meeting, our company participates in the implementation of the system with the client, analyzing the technical information of the work and parameterizing the system. We provide training for system users, as well as for inspectors and production collectors, in order to ensure the flow of field information to the system. Throughout the entire work, our clients can benefit from technical support, allowing for ongoing monitoring and assistance, if necessary. At the end of the work, we deliver the digital Databook, which can support the evaluation of the project, as well as to serve as a reference for future works.

Due to our participation in several projects in Brazil and abroad, new challenges often arise due to the variety and specificities of the projects. In addition, technological advances require us to keep up to date with new practices and tools. We seek to meet all these needs by improving the qualifications of our team, in addition to investing in new technologies and tools, which allow us to meet the most complex projects.

We believe and guide everyone's behavior in our company to be based on principles such as respect for others and life, conscious discipline, labor and social responsibility, and the search for synergy. We value those who work with us, offering the best possible working conditions and always ensuring that our work environment is honest and pleasant. We want our team to be proud and motivated to be part of the ISI ENGENHARIA team.